Wednesday, February 8, 2012


What with it being 2012 and all I was thinking about Armageddon the other day. The film, not the actual end of the world. Only Michael Bay could make a film of such depth and sensitivity and somehow weave tightly knit actions scenes and blockbuster special effects in between. The man is clearly talented. So overcome was I after my first viewing that against my better judgment I stood up and applauded with such enthusiasm and fervor that I was nearly arrested for inciting a crowd (I was 9 at the time so they let me go with a warning). It stars Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck and some pale elven broad. Any time this movie is on the television I drop whatever it is I am doing, prepare a fresh pot of hot cocoa (marshmallows included), grab a warm blanky and curl up in a tight ball readying myself for this rollercoaster ride of emotions, tissues near at hand. For experienced viewers such as myself, I have learned to prepare myself for the emotional wrecking ball that is about to crash into my fragile psyche. First time viewers be warned, it can be draining.

While the whole movie is a cinematic marvel the defining moment arrives in the climactic encounter between Willis and Affleck. These two heavy weights of the silver screen slug it out in the most significant roles of their careers and cement their statuses as legends. Ben Affleck is at raw, visceral best in this one. After having watched his entire repertoire, I do not believe that he has ever quivered his lip better. A stunning accomplishment given his body of work. Seriously, the lips are perfectly moistened to a point where it seems like he is on the verge of dribbling, pregnant with spit, but like a tight rope walker he balances it perfectly leaving you mesmerized, amazed and fearful in a gamut of emotions that you can’t quite comprehend. And you can tell that it’s not chapstick as well because it has that reflective sheen that only saliva can provide. I have had weaker moments where I watch him quiver this lip in slow motion.

If that wasn’t enough Bruce Willis sheds a tear. Just one, but you can see the pain as it rolls down his craggily cheek and that is enough to tug at the heart strings. So yeah, it’s a good movie. I am rather exhausted from writing this piece. The aftermath of a viewing usually lasts a couple days with the emotions lying just beneath the surface and whatnot. It’s pretty heavy stuff. But if you are in need of a good cry, looking to get in touch with your inner self then look no further than this exhibition of high drama. 

1 comment:

  1. Wahrewah thumba chanagi barithya pagliacci magane. Thou must write more
